All our Initial, Updates and regular Consultations
a copy of the Natal Chart, Transiting, and Progressed Chart,
a 1-2
hour in person consultaion personally tailored to cover important things in regards to you, using your natal, progressed chart
and current tranists (what is going on now), as well as what is important for you in the year ahead. In lieu of an in
person visit you can instead recieve a taped personal interpertation approximately 90 minutes with the above listed information
addressing speciific areas of interest.
A printed
computerized interpertation covering personal and professional life(approximately 20 +/- pages), as well as a printed computerized
interpertation of the year ahead to take home and refer to for important dates over the next year.
Relationship, Synastry, and Composite Consults
both persons Natal, Progressed, and Composite charts. along with a personally tailored 2-3 hour in person consult covering
both persons natal charts, current tranists, and how both charts interact, tough and sticking points, imbalances, (is it really
as bad as it seems, or is it a passing tranist, that will be over soon? Are they gone for good or will they be back next week?
Is it a good idea to be business partners and lovers? Or just what is up after 20 years of Marriage?) Astrology can really
help and give clarity with these questions.
In addtion
you will also receive a printed computerized interpertation of how both your charts interact, and how you get along, what
is important in each persons eyes and how you each other, the relationship, life. (approximately 20 + pages) If you would
like two copies of this report, one for each, simply make your request when you make your appointment and we will be glad
to oblige!